A Family Run Business

Daradgee Wholesale Nursery is a family run business that was established by Garth Pernase and Susan Botica in 1987 on the family cane farming property. 

We started out specialising in growing Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ (Happy Plant) mainly for a national indoor plant hire group.  We now grow a wider variety of plants that we sell to the indoor plant hire industry, retailers, wholesalers and garden centres.

On our 82 hectare property, we currently grow approximately six hectares of Happy Plant cane in the ground for stock.  We also have five large shade houses, spread over two point nine hectares.  In these we house a variety of potted stock plants and production plants being readied for sale.


We Grow Quality Plants

We have been growing quality indoor foliage plants since 1987 and have always strived to be the best at what we do.

We pride ourselves on quality, which is why we grow all of our plants on site for our customers.  To achieve this goal, we are always conducting growing trials with different potting mixes, shade factors and fertilization programs.  We have come a long way from the first time we sent out a half semi to our first Indoor Plant Hire company in Sydney to now.  We learned a lot about how to grow Happy Plants, our major specialisation, from this first consignment.  All of our Happy Plant cane is cut and selectively graded with strict quality controls in place to achieve the end product for which we have a great reputation.  We apply these principles to all that we grow.

All of the plants that we grow assist in purifying the air in buildings and they also are very aesthetically appealing, improving your general well being.

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Great Growing Conditions

We are located in the Cassowary Coast region, 10 kilometres north of the Innisfail CBD and approximately 90 kilometres south of Cairns, in the tropics in far North Queensland.  The unique tropical climate suits the growing of tropical plants, especially the Dracaenas, which thrive in the high humidity. 

We have five different shade houses across our nursery, all with varying intensities of shade, to ensure the best growing conditions for each species of plant. 

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We Care About Your Order

We grade the quality of our stock for all of our orders, which are transferred on pallets to our dispatch shed.

All orders are carefully shrink wrapped on the pallets to ensure their safe transport to their destinations and are clearly identified.

We currently send orders to Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Victoria and South Australia, using specialist freight services, which we arrange to pick up orders on a customer’s behalf.

We comply with the Biosecurity regulations to ship into other States.  We have the ICA-35 Accreditation for the inspection of plants before despatch, to ensure that they are free of spiralling whitefly.

Meet Our Family

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Garth Pernase

Nursery Manager

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Susan Botica

Office Manager

Tanya Lynch

Marketing and Promotions Officer