We grow a variety of quality plants from classic favourites to on trend varieties.


Aglaonemas or the ‘Lucky Plant’ are an attractive, showy indoor foliage plant available in a vast array of beautiful colours.  It is suited for indoors and shaded areas in your garden.  It also has powerful air purifying properties that enhance your environment.



Known for their beautiful striking patterns, shapes and colourful leaves, Calatheas are an attractive, tropical indoor plant that creates a great focal point in any space. 


Chamaedorea Seifrizii

Also known as the Bamboo Palm, this elegant, shade loving palm is well suited to indoors or patios.


Ctenanthe Setosa

Striking foliage with grey and green colouring on the top side of their leaves and a deep, purple underside and stem.



Another attractive ornamental plant is the Dieffenbachia, which exhibits attractive, large patterned foliage, creating a tropical look in any indoor situation.

Diffenbachia memoria corsii, also known as the ‘Leopard Lily’ is showy foliage plant with attractive grey green leaves, mottled with white spots.  It can grow very tall, with quite thick canes, creating a spectacular show piece. 



Dracaenas are also known as the Happy Plant and exhibit striking, variegated foliage. We are well known for our high quality Happy Plants, making it one of our biggest sellers. 

The new variety, ‘Golden Heart’, exhibits more upright foliage, and has no cane, making a bold statement in any area.



The Ficus Lyrata is very popular and is well known for their striking, large leaves and tall habitat. 

The rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is also a popular ornamental plant from the Ficus genus and exhibits large shiny leaves, that come in an array of colours.

The ficus often require higher light than other house plants.



Monstera deliciosa ‘Tauerii’is an evergreen plant, with beautiful, heart shaped leaves. They are a dwarf variety of the popular Monstera. Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’ are a beautiful, rare variety, which are very popular due to their stunning variegation.



‘Snake Plant’ or ‘Mother in Law Tongue’ is a robust variety of plant that is low maintenance and very good for purifying the air in your home or office.



Spathiphyllums, also known as ‘Peace Lilies’ have dark green glossy leaves and beautiful white flowers.

They are a popular indoor plant due to their low maintenance care and great air filtering properties.



Strelitzia, commonly known as the ‘Bird of Paradise’ are a stunning addition to add to any space, featuring large, paddle shaped foliage and beautiful flowers.


Zamioculcas zamifolia

The ZZ is a stemless, evergreen plant that typically grows up to 90cm tall. It has attractive, compound, dark green leaves rising up from its rhizomes.  It can tolerate low light and requires little watering and attention. 

We are also growing a new PBR variety, the Zanzibar ‘Zenzii’, which is a great compact variety.