
Dracaenas are also known as the Happy Plant and exhibit striking, variegated foliage. We are well known for our high quality Happy Plants, making it one of our biggest sellers.

The new variety, ‘Golden Heart’, exhibits more upright foliage, and has no cane, making a bold statement in any area

Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’

Multi Planted Happy Plant Canes

Sizes: 400mm, 300mm, 250mm, 200mm

happy plant dracaena
happy plant dracaena fragrans

Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’

Poles and Specimens

Sizes: 300mm, 250mm, 200mm

Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ - Sculptured Poles

Sculptured poles are comprised of a tall, single, thick cane with two, small canes in the bottom. They are different from the sculptured multi-tiered canes, which have multiple canes of different heights.

Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ - Specimens

A specimen is a sculptured trunk replicating a single plant grown in the wild. These are quite rare and are not usually able to be purchased because they are stock plants.

Dracaena fragans ‘Golden Heart’- Doubles

Single Upright Head, No Cane Happy Plant

Sizes: 300mm, 200mm